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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gaddafi beat raped and kidnapped schoolgirls and used them as sex slaves.

Gaddafi beat raped and kidnapped schoolgirls and used them as sex slaves.

மனித இதயமற்ற கடாபி மறைந்து விட்டாலும் அவனால் கெடுக்கப்பட்ட பெண்களுக்கு மறு வாழ்வு கிடைக்குமா என்பது தெரியவில்லை.

Latest News from News paper [25-9-2012] is Slain Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi beat and raped kidnapped schoolgirls he used as sex slaves, a reporter has revealed in a new book. French journalist Annick Cojean revealed how a 15-year-old victim, named as Soraya, was abducted in 2004 by the late tyrant’s ‘talent scouts’ after she was chosen to give him a bouquet when he visited her school. She was driven for hours through the desert, had blood taken and her breasts measured before being stripped and shaved.

After being dressed in a thong and lowcut white satin dress, Soraya was escorted to Gaddafi’s bedroom and was shocked to find him naked. “He said, ‘Don’t be afraid. I’m your papa. That’s what you call me, isn’t it? But I’m also your brother and your lover. I’m going to be all that for you. Because you are going to stay and live with me forever’,” Soraya revealed according to the book Les Proies: Dans le harem de Kadhafi (Prey: In Gaddafi’s Harem). According to the paper, Gaddafi repeatedly raped, beat and urinated on the teenager during her five years in captivity.

Sometimes other girls would join them. When another girl performed oral sex on Gaddafi he would tell Soraya to ‘Watch and learn’, the report said. One girl describes how she was forced to wear lacy underwear and watch porn films, and added that Gaddafi had ‘needed’ several girls every day.
According to the paper, the book also revealed how Gaddafi’s sex slave victims are still suffering after being rejected by their families for having sex when they were not married. Even though heartless Gadaffi has died, the present Libya government must take up the welfare of the women spoiled by Gadaffi.

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காவிரிக் கரையில் உள்ள 6 சிவஸ்தலங்கள் காசிக்கு சமானமாக கருதப்படுகின்றன. அவற்றில் மயிலாடுதுறையும் ஒன்றாகும். மற்றவை 1. திருவையாறு, 2. திருவெண்காடு, 3. திருவிடைமருதூர், 4. திருவாஞ்சியம் 5. திருசாய்க்காடு ஆகும். மயிலாடுதுறை, மாயவரம், மாயூரம் என்றெல்லாம் குறிப்பிடப்படும் இத்தலம் மிகவும் தொன்மையான சிவஸ்தலம் ஆகும். ஆயிரம் ஆனாலும் மாயூரமாகாது என்ற பழமொழியே இதன் பெருமையைக் காட்டுகிறது.