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Friday, March 23, 2012

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said India's vote against Sri Lanka was to enable minority Tamils to get justice.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said India's vote against Sri Lanka was to enable minority Tamils to get justice.

சிறுபான்மைத் தமிழர்களுக்கு நியாயம் கிடைக்கவே இந்தியா இந்த தீர்மானத்தை ஆதரித்ததாக இந்தியப் பிரதமர் கூறினார்.

India is among 24 countries that voted against Sri Lanka today at a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. The UN's top human rights body has passed a resolution, sponsored by the US, for 'promoting reconciliation and accountability' in Sri Lanka after its army won a 26-year-long civil war by defeating the rebel Tamil Tigers.

We do not want to infringe on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka but concerns should be expressed so that Tamil people can get justice and lead a life of dignity," said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Sri Lanka had rejected the resolution.telling "After 30 long years of instability and violence we have achieved stability and peace.

15 countries including China and Russia backed Sri Lanka, which had rejected the resolution, saying it unduly interfered in the country's domestic affairs and could hinder its reconciliation process. Eight countries abstained from today's vote. The resolution says the Sri Lankan government could benefit from advice by the UN human rights office. Today's resolution followed an inquiry conducted by a United Nations panel which said last year that it had credible allegations of serious violations committed by both the government and the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which was classified as a terrorist organisation .

The UN resolution adopted today [22-3-2012] asks for Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations of a committee it created internally, the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) Process, to study the allegations of war crimes. The US delegation in Geneva today referred to the government's "lack of action to implement the recommendations" of that commission. It described the resolution it has moved as one "that encourages Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations of its own LLRC and to make concerted efforts at achieving the kind of meaningful accountability upon which lasting reconciliation efforts can be built."

China has thrown its weight behind Sri Lanka, saying it is against any country putting pressure on others in the name of rights violations. China, in recent years, has made big investments in Sri Lanka besides assisting the island with major projects like building a modern port at Hambanthotta. Earlier this month, Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa visited Beijing to seek its support to stave off the US-led move.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today[22-3-2012] said India's vote against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC was in line with its stand and wanted to ensure that concern was expressed to enable minority Tamils in that country to get justice.

Thanks to American President and Indian Prime Minister.

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காவிரிக் கரையில் உள்ள 6 சிவஸ்தலங்கள் காசிக்கு சமானமாக கருதப்படுகின்றன. அவற்றில் மயிலாடுதுறையும் ஒன்றாகும். மற்றவை 1. திருவையாறு, 2. திருவெண்காடு, 3. திருவிடைமருதூர், 4. திருவாஞ்சியம் 5. திருசாய்க்காடு ஆகும். மயிலாடுதுறை, மாயவரம், மாயூரம் என்றெல்லாம் குறிப்பிடப்படும் இத்தலம் மிகவும் தொன்மையான சிவஸ்தலம் ஆகும். ஆயிரம் ஆனாலும் மாயூரமாகாது என்ற பழமொழியே இதன் பெருமையைக் காட்டுகிறது.