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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jayalalithaa has kept her promise by distributing 20kg free Rice on 1-6-2011.

Jayalalithaa has kept her promise by distributing 20kg free Rice on 1-6-2011.

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has ordered distribution of free rice to below Poverty Line (BPL) families and gold to women, living up to one of her main poll promises.

On her first day as chief minister, Jaya said 20 kg of free rice will be distributed every month to ration card holders and 35 kg to BPL families.
Jaya ordered distribution of gold for ‘magalsutras’ for women and also doubled marriage assistance to the poor from Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000.

Like the release of a much-awaited movie, for the last 15 days public distribution system (PDS) shops in the state had put up boards announcing the commencement of the first scheme of the new AIADMK government — the free rice scheme —from June 1. On 31-5-2011Tuesday, the day before the launch, the state civil supplies department was a flurry of activity. Meetings were held and lists ticked off as officials from all over the state called to confirm the delivery of rice to their taluks. Jayalalitha distributed Rice for Ration Card holders at Alwarpet, Chennai.

However, food and co-operation secretary V K Jeyakodi said the rice distribution logistics was not particularly different or difficult this time. “The quantity being allotted to each family remains the same,” he said. “The only difference is that it is being given free.”

The increase in the quantity comes from an increase in the number of cardholders, said an assistant commissioner. They anticipate the off take to be higher this month as more people will line up to avail of the scheme. “We will know about off take only at the end of this week,” he said. Jayalalithaa has kept her promise by distributing 20kg free Rice on 1-6-2011. Tamil Nadu people are very happy with Jayalalithaa’s attitude and aiming for more from her.

Karunanidhi without blaming AIADMK or others, he must realize that he was the main reason for the defeat of D.M.K. and for the growth of his family members in all the fields and neglected the people of Tamil Nadu. Without taking any step to curve the bribe taken by his Ministers during his rule, he is now telling the reason that their arrest was they are not having any sacred thread on them. In those days Karunanidhi was telling “Down with northern India domination and northern India people. Like that he even now wants to create caste feeling that will not help him in getting back to his rule.

See the video Tamilnadu Chief Minister Selvi Jayalalithaa distributing 20kg free Rice to public in Chennai. Thanks to Jaya TV.

கருணாநிதி தனது குடும்ப ஆதிக்கத்தை எல்லாத்துறைகளிலும் வளர விட்டதையும், ஊழல் செய்தால் தன்னைத்தட்டிக் கேட்க ஆளில்லை என்ற ஆணவத்தையும், விட்டொழித்தால், தி.மு.க. மீண்டும் புத்துயிர் பெறலாம்.

தமிழக முதல்வர் செல்வி ஜெயலலிதா சென்னையில் 20 கிலோ அரிசி வழங்குவதை வீடியோவில் பாருங்கள். ௦

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Mayiladuthurai Temples.

காவிரிக் கரையில் உள்ள 6 சிவஸ்தலங்கள் காசிக்கு சமானமாக கருதப்படுகின்றன. அவற்றில் மயிலாடுதுறையும் ஒன்றாகும். மற்றவை 1. திருவையாறு, 2. திருவெண்காடு, 3. திருவிடைமருதூர், 4. திருவாஞ்சியம் 5. திருசாய்க்காடு ஆகும். மயிலாடுதுறை, மாயவரம், மாயூரம் என்றெல்லாம் குறிப்பிடப்படும் இத்தலம் மிகவும் தொன்மையான சிவஸ்தலம் ஆகும். ஆயிரம் ஆனாலும் மாயூரமாகாது என்ற பழமொழியே இதன் பெருமையைக் காட்டுகிறது.