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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hindus and Muslims should not divide on Ram Temple and Babri Masjid attacks. Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.

and Muslims should not divide on Ram Temple and Babri Masjid attacks. Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.

Ram Janmabhumi is sacred to the Hindus because they hold it to be the birthplace of Rama, who embodies for them the ideals of truth, heroism, chivalry and every other virtue. What is the justification for the mosque by Babar beyond the fact that it was erected as a mark of conquest by Babar and of humiliation of the Hindus? No such justification exists for the Babri Masjid, for it was not intended as a place of worship. To understand temple destructions by Babar and his descendants, we must recognize that it was part of their ideology.

Self-respecting nations don’t let stand symbols of national humiliation and slavery. The French have not preserved Nazi monuments at Versailles. Even in America, where Tharoor’s authority Tina Rosenberg fulminated against the Hindus, Americans destroyed a statue of King George III when they declared independence in 1776. Some forty years later, in the War of 1812, the British sacked Washington and burned down the White House. Americans promptly rebuilt it instead of preserving the burnt down.

The basic problem is that the parties have avoided such fundamental issues. Instead of trying to understand what Ram Janmabhumi and Ayodhya mean to the Hindus, the Babri Masjid advocates have been trying to present it as a dispute over a piece of real estate and a structure in brick and mortar. Every living nation has national symbols and Ayodhya is India’s.

Babri Masjid was never intended as a place of worship; it was a symbol pure and simple of the victory of Islamic imperialism over the Hindu Civilization.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. It is my request that Indian Muslims and Hindus should not fall pray to politicians and they must take a peaceful settlement for the construction of both Ram Temple and Babri Masjid.

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மயிலாடுதுறை ரமணியின் ஜோக்குகள் வார இதழ்களில் வெளியானவையும், "எங்கள் பாரதம்" மாத இதழ்களும்.

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தமிழிலிருந்து ஆங்கிலத்திற்கும், மற்ற மொழிகளுக்கும்

நீங்கள் அருத்தம் தெரிந்து கொள்ளலாம்.

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Mayiladuthurai Temples.

காவிரிக் கரையில் உள்ள 6 சிவஸ்தலங்கள் காசிக்கு சமானமாக கருதப்படுகின்றன. அவற்றில் மயிலாடுதுறையும் ஒன்றாகும். மற்றவை 1. திருவையாறு, 2. திருவெண்காடு, 3. திருவிடைமருதூர், 4. திருவாஞ்சியம் 5. திருசாய்க்காடு ஆகும். மயிலாடுதுறை, மாயவரம், மாயூரம் என்றெல்லாம் குறிப்பிடப்படும் இத்தலம் மிகவும் தொன்மையான சிவஸ்தலம் ஆகும். ஆயிரம் ஆனாலும் மாயூரமாகாது என்ற பழமொழியே இதன் பெருமையைக் காட்டுகிறது.