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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Let the R.S.S. leader praise Jinnah but he must tell who has assassinated Gandhi? Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.
The former chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, KS Sudarshan, has said in Indore on 25-8-2009 that Jinnah was
“a true (Indian) nationalist” and secular in his outlook until he was painted in a corner by Congress leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru.
Sudarshan praised Jinnah’s secular outlook by recalling that “when Mahatma Gandhi supported the Khilafat movement in 1919, Jinnah opposed it. He went on to say that it was not Jinnah, but Gandhi’s soft-corner for Nehru, which resulted in the 1947 Partition. He also said Gandhi had repeatedly offended Jinnah.
I want to bring it to the notice of K.S. Sudharsan before Independence, Jinnah replied to a foreign correspondent “The last thing in attaining freedom for Pakistan, I seek is bloodshed. Although if driven to it, no Muslim is afraid to defend himself. “After some years Sir Sikander Hayat Khan, the Chief Minister of the Punjab had expressed his fear that if Pakistan if created would mean a massacre. His fear proved to be only true and a lot of massacre engulfed Muslims, Hindus and others.
In the March and April 1919, the struggle for the Independence was almost entirely confined to the Punjab and Western India. Most of the rioting in Delhi, Lahore, Amristar and elsewhere was characterized by racial hatred which was instigated by British Government. Without any reason, the government arrested Mahatma Gandhi on his way to Punjab and this provoked a riot in the mill town of Ahmadabad, where Gandhi was well known and loved by all. Gandhi was again released and helped to restore order.
On 15th April martial law was declared in the Punjab in consequence of a deal, which becomes one of the great rallying cries of Indian Independence. Amristar a city of 3, 00,000 inhabitants and the important religious centre of the Sikhs were about 250 miles north-west of Delhi. In Amristar on 10th April two nationalist leaders were arrested and deported. Provoked by this act of British Rulers a large crowd attempted to enter the European Cantonment and being turned away by British Army, they began rioting in city. Two banks were attacked and other Europeans were also attacked by them and railway stations set on fire.
The Military under one General Dyer restored order and all public meetings and assemblies were declared illegal. On April 13th to protest against the atrocities of General Dyer thousands of people gathered in a large enclosed ground known as “Jallianwalla Bagh”. On hearing this General Dyer personally went to the spot with ninety Gurka and Baluchi soldiers and two armoured cars with which he blocked the only exit of the Ground. Then without warning he ordered his men to open fire on the densely packed innocent people, and on his own admission fired 1605 rounds before he withdrew, ordering the armoured cars to remain and prevent anyone from leaving or entering the Bagh. Official figures gave 379 dead and 1200 wounded but really thousands of people were massacred by the shooting of cruel Dyer.
The affair of the Jallianwala Bagh certainly had a moral effect, particularly upon Gandhi. For him there was now no compromise with the British and he declared the Co-operation in any shape or form with this satanic government is sinful.
How the R.S.S. leader not aware of these incidents, and how he is appreciating Jinnah for not even condemning the incidents of Jallianwallah Bagh? Let the R.S.S. leader praise Jinnah but he must tell who has assassinated Gandhi and what is the reason for that?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Jinnah never wants to be the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity. Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.
The ambition of Indian freedom fighter Gopalakrisha Gokhale was the Jinnah to be the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity. But his ambition wilted before the challenge of events and ironically, Jinnah became the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim strife ending in mutual slaughter.
Jinnah never tolerate even the suggestion that Muslim and Hindu belonged to one country. Jinnah said, we are the nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art, and architecture, names and nomenclature and legal laws and moral codes, customs and history. We are different and we cannot be together only in the ballot box.
Gandhi commented, whether the two nation theory of Jinnah will become one if the whole of India accepted Islam? Jinnah had no answer of Gandhi’s question.
Jinnah was confusing nationality with religion. If every religion were to constitute a nation, the world would be broken up into fragments.
Significantly, the pathological emphasis on religion in justification of separate homeland for Muslims was not supported by religious leaders of Islam in India. Maulana Maududi, head of the Jamait-e-Islam explained, why we should foolishly waste our time in expediting the so called Muslim national state, when we know that it will not only be useful for our purposes, but will prove an obstacle in our path.
Once Jinnah was asked, what he proposed to do for the areas where Muslims were in a minority. He replied, they must accept the citizenship in the state in which they are. They can remain there as foreigners or they can come to Pakistan. Once he told, he never tolerate even the suggestion that Muslim and Hindu belonged to one country. Thus he swung from one extreme to other.
In regard to Sikhs demand, he proceeded to make a distinction between nation and sub-national groups, advising the latter to be content with, what could be expected from a civilized Government.
The division conflicted in Jinnah’s thought was reflected in princely states. On 25th July 1944 he assured the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, it was not the policy of the Muslim League to interfere in the administration of the state or to raise grave issues between the Maharaja’s Government and people.
But the words told by Jinnah were not kept by his successors, and Pakistan extremists activities are still going on daily in Jammu and Kashmir. Even to-day the dream of Gandhi for Hindu-Muslim unity never fulfilled.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
R.S.S. must realize that Red Carpet will be spread to Congress, if it asks Advani to leave leadership of B.J.P. Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.
In his first interview to the media since becoming RSS chief on March 21, 2009, the 59-year-old Mohan Madhukar Bhagwat spoke on the BJP’s leadership issues, changes in the RSS and the future of Hindutva.
He stressed that it was for the BJP to decide how and when to effect changes, but endorsed the need for a transition ahead of the next Lok Sabha elections and said this was required at “all levels” in the BJP.
Asked whether the BJP needed to switch to a younger leadership, he said, “Yes, but when... their privilege is. We have been saying to Advaniji since 2003 that you have sufficient young workers, bring them forward slowly.”
There is no necessity for B.J.P to shift to a young leadership, as L.K. Advani is the fittest person to lead the party with the assistance young party leaders. In the last parliament election B.J.P already gone down due to non participation of senior leader A.B.Vajpayee on health problem. We cannot forget that L.K.Advani only took up the election work, and even at this age he went on Day and Night tirelessly for propaganda for B.J.P. He now as a opposition party leader doing his best job. He is not shirking his job like other leaders by simply signing outside the Parliament and going to his house for sleep. L.K.Advani is a sincere leader with devotion to duty and country.
Lal Krishna Advani (L K Advani) is an Indian politician and a former president of the Bharatiya Janata Party. He was born on November 8, 1927 in Karachi. He did his schooling at St. Patrick’s, Karachi. He later graduated in Law from Bombay University. In 1947, he was an RSS organizer of Karachi city. When Jana Sangh was founded by Dr. Mukherjee in 1951, he became its Rajasthan State Secretary. In 1958, he shifted to Delhi and became the Secretary of Delhi Jana Sangh. During the period, he was also Secretary of the Jana Sangh Parliamentary Group.
In 1966, he was elected the Chairman of the Delhi Metropolitan Council and in 1970, he became a member of the Rajya Sabha. He was elected the President of Jana Sangh in 1973. In 1977, he was appointed as the Minister of Information and Broadcasting in the Janata Government. The BJP was launched in 1980. For six years, Advani held the post of Party General Secretary. He was jailed in 1990 for his famous Ram Rathyatra. He served as the Deputy Prime Minister of India from 2002 to 2004 and is currently the leader of opposition in the 14th Lok Sabha.
Advani demonstrates that his path of Hindutva, Indianness or Bhartiyata always translated for him along the lines of “sab jaati mahaan, sab jaati samman” (all castes are great, all castes are equal). His autobiography “named as “My Country My life” crossed the One lakh mark from the date of its release.
It is the request of all Hindutva minded people that Shimla retrospective session of B.J.P should not ask Advani to leave his leadership and instruct the younger politicians to work under him with his guidance. By asking L.K.Advaniji to the leave the B.J.P. Leadership, it will spread Red Carpet to congress.
மூலம் கேளுங்கள்.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Whether Jaswant Singh bridges the Gulf between India and Pakistan? Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.
Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.
In 1946 Jawaharlal Nehru was asked to form an interim Government by British rulers. At that time Jawaharlal Nehru issued a Statement to the press that India was “going to run by Indians, for the benefit of Indians, whatever the religion or creed they may belong to and in whatever province or part of India they live.” When the Congress party formed the interim Government, Jinnah who had refused to join hands with it.
In protest against the formation of an interim Government by Jawaharlal Nehru, the Muslim league called for “Direct Action” to achieve Pakistan. Addressing the Muslim league council in Bombay on 29th july1946, Jinnah threw all his pseudo-constitutional methods to the winds and proclaimed “This day we bid good-bye to the constitutional methods.”
On August 16th 1946,which the Muslim league celebrated as “Direct Action Day”, there was on appalling outbreak of rioting in Calcutta, lasting several days, and according to official estimates about 5000persons were killed and 15,000 injured. For four days Calcutta accordingly witnessed scenes of hoologanism and vulgarity which should have sobered Jinnah. Jaswant may aware of all these this happenings
Apparently the dream of Homeland for Muslims had little faith in their political liberty. As the First Governor-General of Pakistan, Jinnah assumed powers under the 9th schedule rather than part II of the 1935 Act, “Which gave him at once dictatorial powers unknown to any constitutional Governor-General representing the King.” The only freedom which politicians enjoyed in the Jinnah’s Pakistan was the freedom to malign India, and to nurse and propagate the illusion of an India determined to destroy Pakistan. The same propaganda is now continued in Pakistan.
In Pakistan which rose out of sea of blood, all absolute power was concentrated in the hands of one individual. Such was the structure of Jinnah’s thought and actions which laid the foundation of Pakistan and inevitably, furnished the Blue print for Pakistan policy towards India and its relations with other countries. At the root of his thinking lay the assumption that there was nothing in common between Hindus and Muslims. If such a view were accepted, the gulf between India and Pakistan could never be bridged.
On his Seventeenth birth day Jinnah said, “Both Hindus and Muslims in India were slave under the heel of British rulers. His party is fighting the British and not the Hindus. We have to get freedom and establish Pakistan from the British and not from Hindus.” This exactly what Gandhi also told.
Let Jaswant praise Jinnah, but the gulf between the Muslims and Hindus must be bridged.
மூலம் கேளுங்கள்.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Charges of Cash distribution in Tamil Nadu by election, what Anna told is happening to-day.
Charges of Cash distribution in Tamil Nadu by election, what Anna told is happening to-day.
Kindly hear speeches of Arignar Anna.
We have already stated, that “No By-elections needed in Tamil Nadu with misuse of Power, money and Rowdies.” Arignar Anna, Advaniji and other leaders already told that Democracy will only survive if all parties follow the moral codes of the
But it is really happening in Tamilnadu By-electios and
Chennai Sunday Times in its issue dated 16-8-2009 stated,Coimbatore: With just three days left for the by-elections to five Assembly constituencies, widespread allegations of distribution of cash to voters have surfaced in Thondamuthur constituency in Coimbatore district.
As charges of cash distribution peaked on Friday morning, cadres of Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam besieged a vehicle carrying DMK cadres, who they claimed were distributing Rs 200 each to the voters at Poluvampatti village within the constituency.
Police arrested four Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam cadres for allegedly assaulting the DMK cadres, deflating the tyres of their jeep and damaging the windshields.
Meanwhile, a voter of the Molapalayam village, Shanmugasundaram lodged a police complaint that six DMK cadres offered him Rs 200 tucked inside a brown envelope.
Video tapes purportedly showing distribution of cash to voters were also handed over to the police. “We have registered a case against six DMK cadres from Namakkal for allegedly bribing voters,” said police inspector P Vaithilingam.
All the six DMK cadres,
The byelection to Thondamuthur in western Tamil Nadu is witnessing a highstake battle as the DMK-Congress combine came a cropper in the recent Parliamentary elections.
The DMK has allotted the seat to its ally Congress, which is facing a tough fight from the Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam, which made considerable inroads
into the dominant Gounder votebank in western Tamil Nadu in the recent Parliamentary elections.
Amid a keen tussle between the Congress candidate, MN Kandasamy, and the Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam, R Easwaran, several voters in Thondamuthur received a surprise package at their doorsteps on Friday evening and Saturday morning.
Reports said two soiled hundred rupee notes inside a 6.5 x 4 inch brown envelopes were left at the doorstep of the voters. In households where the voters were available, the envelopes were handed over as booth slips.
Kongunadu Munnetra Kazhagam leader ‘Best’ Ramasamy charged that those who bribed the voters went scot-free while four of his party cadres, Pathia Gounder, K Selvaraj, K Thangaraj and Vairavel, were arrested. “With such blatant distribution of cash, it is only right that the AIADMK decided to boycott the bypolls,”
Friday, August 7, 2009
பெரியாரின் திருமணமும் அதன் விளைவுகளும்.
சாத்தான்குளம் தொகுதியின் சட்டமன்ற .உறுப்பினராக 1977ம ஆண்டு பதவி வகித்தவர் தியாகி நெல்லை ஜெபமணி அவர்கள். பெருந்தலைவர் காமராஜ் அவர்களின் கொள்கைகளை விடாப்பிடியாக பின்பற்றி வாய்மையுடன் வாழ்ந்த உன்னதத் தலைவர் ஜெபமணி அவர்கள். அரசியலில் சொத்து, சுகபோகங்களை சேர்க்காத அரசியல் வாதியாக வாழ்ந்தவர் ஜெபமணி அவர்கள்.
அவர், திராவிட இயக்கங்கள் தமிழகத்தில் நீதிக் கட்சிகளின் வாரிசாக, எத்தகைய கொள்கை அடிப்படையும் இல்லாமல் வளர்ந்த கதைகளை, பட்டியலிட்டு காட்டியுள்ளார். அவர் கூறிய ஒரு சிலவற்றை, இன்றைய தலை முறையினர் தெரிந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணத்தில் திரு. எஸ்.வி.ரமணி "You Tube" மூலம் உரையாற்றியுள்ளா
Periyar E.V.R. Marriage and consequence result. Tamil speech by S.V.Ramani.
Nellai jabamani M.L.A of Sathankulam and freedom fighter has expressed
his opinion in his writings in regard the Dravidian parties which developed in Tamil Nadu without any ideology. S.V.Ramani narrate some of writings thro his speeches for the information of Younger generations.
Periyar was born in the Town of Erode, Tamil Nadu to a wealthy Nayakar family. At a young age, he witnessed numerous incidents of racial, caste and gender discrimination. Periyar married when he was 19, and had a daughter who lived for only 5 months. His first wife, Nagammai, died in 1933. Periyar married Maniammai for a second time in July 1948 under the advice of Rajaji.
In 1939, Periyar became the head of the Justice Partyand in 1944, he changed its name to Dravidar Kazhagam. The party later due to marriage of Periyar with Maniammai, split and one group led by C. N. Annadurai formed the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) in 1949.
Periyar E.V.Ramasamy, social reformer and a known atheist may not have been an atheist, after all. Information available thro Deccan Chronical News Paper dated 22-7-2009 which has indicated that he is said to have prayed to God to help the Kovai Sarvajna School flourish during his visit here in 1925.
His jottings in the visitors’ book of the school still remain a closely guarded secret. This is what was penned in the book: “kadavul ip palliukudathirku melum melum abivrithiku arul puriyattum” which means, ‘God should help this school grow.’ The DK founder goes on to add, “kudumbathirku ayul vrithiyum subikshamum kudukka prarthikkiren” — ‘I pray to God that the family (of PSG) should have long life and prosperity’.
Let us hail the Social activities of Periyar and his belief towards God.